Flexible one-on-one ceramic workshops in Berlin-Neukölln.
Learn the fundamental skills needed to build vessel, sculptural or architectural ceramics, and the material knowledge to successfully glaze and fire your ceramics in a professional yet personal setting.
Whether learning about ceramics from scratch, or looking to expand your existing knowledge, these workshops are designed to accomodate the goals and learning styles of each participant.
★ 6 hr Basic Workshop
★ 10 hr Intro Workshop
★ 16 hr Advanced Workshop
★ Studio Time
Learn fundamental hand-building and glazing techniques to create your own ceramics using coiling, pinching, and modelling methods.
This short workshop provides enough time and intrusction to make 2-4 small ceramic vessels, sculptures or objects.
Duration: 2-day 6-hour workshop
Day 1: 4 hour handbuilding
Day 2: 2 hours glazing
Price: 200€
Student work pictured above by Ruth Arden Lewis
Learn fundamental hand-building and glazing techniques to create your own ceramic pieces using coiling, pinching, modelling and slab building methods.
This more in-depth introduction allows you to make larger sculptures or objects that require more complex techniques and multiple days to build.
Duration: 3-day 10-hour workshop
Day 1: 4 hours handbuilding
Day 2: 3 hours hand-building
Day 3: 3 hours glazing
Price: 320€
Come in with a basic knowledge of ceramics and learn advanced hand-building and glazing techniques to create more complex ceramic pieces.
This advanced workshop allows you to create larger more intricate and technical ceramic sculptures and objects. The time alloted in this workshop allows for a wide variety of pieces to be made.
Depending on your goals you could make one large complex piece or several medium and small sized pieces.
Duration: 4-day 16-hour workshop
Day 1: 4 hours handbuilding
Day 2: 4 hours hand-building
Day 3: 4 hours hand-building
Day 4: 4 hours glazing
Price: 500€
These base workshops are flexible and you can book more time if you need. If you require more instruction and guidance, you can book additional instruction time. If you are able to work independently on your project you can book independent work time, where I work on my own projects at the same time.
Instruction time: 35€/hour
Independent work time: 15€/hour
Once you have completed a workshop at my studio there is also the possibility to come co-work in the studio independently on a new project. If you need any support on a project you can also pay for instruction time on future projects, billed hourly.
Instruction time: 35€/hour
Independent work time: 15€/hour
Once you have completed a workshop at my studio there is also the possibility to come co-work in the studio independently on a new project. If you need any support on a project you can also pay for instruction time on future projects, billed hourly.